Mystic Material Girl
2 min readJun 24, 2021



✨🦋✨ Stop settling for the things, people and experiences you don’t really want! You are a true goddess, a bad bish, a divine being of love and light — start acting like it! You can have anything you want in this world, claim and speak all of which you desire into existence TODAY.

✨🦋✨Visualise yourself becoming the person you’ve always wanted to be, see yourself kissing the love of your life, living in the home of your dreams, embarking on the career you’ve always wanted, visualise every single detail in your mind, this is a crucial step to manifesting your desires.

✨🦋✨ Get yourself energetically ready for the future you seek. Imagine if you prayed and meditated the same amount of times you logged onto your social media account, imagine the infinite possibilities of your future, the wisdom, strength and peace you would have gained by just taking the time to invest back into yourself.

✨🦋✨Get happy in real life and not just for a post on social media. Set some goals, make a plan, connect with others, tell people you love them, build a tribe of people that will support and love on you in the right way, travel, ghost people that rob you of your happiness and joy, fall In love, try new things, do a clear out, meditate, journal, take a social media detox, get healthy, read more, take a course and start really living.

✨🦋✨ Get the professional help you need, whatever help that may be… if you can’t afford therapy or help right now, journalling is always my go-to for self-therapy and soul searching, it’s one of my favourite self-discovery tools.

✨🦋✨ Dress to impress yourself, wear what makes you feel good, wear what makes you happy, wear what makes you feel comfortable and desirable. You can be spiritual and still be a bad bish! don’t ever think you have to pick between what you believe and how you look. — know thy self.

✨🦋✨ Put yourself first for once in your life! This isn’t selfish this is pure self-love. No matter how you feel about yourself you are ALIVE and that is truly a blessing, the simple fact that you are here means you are supported, the universe completely has your back and gods will, will be done in your life! Focus on the beauty of what is now, because the future is unknown, in each moment there is pure beauty. — indulge in that.

✨🦋✨ And lastly Remember: It is more important to be energetically attractive than to be physically attractive, beauty fades, but an authentic vibe can last a lifetime.



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